Homonym Game 2 (Vowel Team vs. Silent-E)
Homonym Game 2
(Vowel Team vs. Silent-E)
This game will help students learn the difference in meaning of Vowel Team and Silent-E homonyms such as maid/made, loan/lone, and pail/pale.
All of the playing cards have nicely colored pictures to explain the homonyms’ word meanings. The cards also use the targeted homonyms in sentences.
This game is played as Go Fish, Matching, or can be used as a flashcard set.
The game comes in a plastic storage case.
Scroll down to see demo video.
Connie Von Korff with One-on-One Tutoring –
Originally submitted on September 25, 2017 at old website.
I just played the new Spelling Success game by Janna Brenhaug. It’s called, “Vowel Team vs. Silent-E Homonym Game.” My students love it. They enjoy playing with me and taking it home to play with family for extra points.
Penny E. – Barton Tutor and Board Member for Twin Lakes –
Originally submitted on December 06, 2017 at old website.
My students and I have enjoyed the Homonym card games. They simplify the concept for the students; and games with pictures illustrating the words are so much more fun than lists of words on a piece of paper. Apparently I need to continue working on homonyms – my youngest student and I were reading a Christmas story together and she reacted with a horrified, “Ate reindeer?!”