Janna Brenhaug
Certified Barton Tutor at the Masters Level
I offer online or in person tutoring in Gillman, MN (near Foley, MN and St. Cloud, MN) via the Barton Reading & Spelling System®. The Barton Reading & Spelling System® is a one-on-one Orton-Gillingham tutoring method that greatly improves the spelling, reading, and writing skills of children, teenagers or adults who struggle due to dyslexia or a learning disability.
I can help change their entire future by teaching them to read, write, and spell. My years of experience tutoring children with dyslexia and learning disabilities have taught me that with appropriate instruction, patience, and dedication, children can move toward overcoming their learning challenges. Spelling Success turns the “I can’t” to “I can.”
– Tutoring sessions are two times per week, year round.
– Tutoring sessions are 50 minutes in length.
– Students are taught spelling rules that make sense.
– Students earn prizes each month.

– Tutoring with an Orton-Gillingham method builds self-confidence.
– To watch a demo tutoring session go to: www.bartondemo.com
Client Testimonials
Thank you for tutoring my husband. Yesterday, we were both reading the same thing silently and he finished at the same time I did. I used to read twice as fast as he did. Plus, he recently read a Dr. Seuss book to a little boy almost flawlessly. Your work has been appreciated by both of us!
Stacey S.
St. Cloud, MN
It has been encouraging to see all that our daughter has learned from her tutoring sessions with Janna Brenhaug. It was one of the best decisions we have made.
LeeAnn M.
St. Cloud, MN
This email was received from a parent two years after tutoring: My son is doing great. I will always be so grateful to you for changing his life. He got an award for making the B honor roll all year last year during his first year of middle school. He no longer needs any kind of extra help. In math, during his last semester, he received an A+ on every test and assignment! We are so proud of how far he has come.
Gayle S.
St. Cloud, MN
As a high school senior my tutoring with Janna has made such a big impact on my life and my outlook on my future. I am so grateful for the time she took to help me. I can’t even express what a difference this will make in college for me.
Graduate student of the Barton Reading & Spelling System
Before I started tutoring with Janna, I found reading fatiguing and I was easily distracted. The Barton System just plain works and Janna is a great tutor.
to read Matt’s entire testimonial.
Adult Student, Barton Graduate in June 2015
Our son has been tutoring with Janna Brenhaug for the past 6 months. During this time, we have seen his confidence soar and finally believing in himself that he is smart. He has learned so much with the Barton Reading & Spelling System. It is exciting to see what his future will hold.
Deanna S.
St. Joseph, MN
Foundation in Sounds and Barton tutoring has been exactly what my nine year old has needed to start seeing progress and gain confidence in herself. I saw more progress in 3 months of tutoring with Janna than I did in my last two years of homeschooling. I tried numerous curriculums, but none of them seemed to click for my youngest child. It was frustrating for both of us. Janna is amazing! Our family would highly recommend her to anyone who has a child that is struggling.
Jill B.
Homeschooling Mom
I am so thankful for the Barton Reading & Spelling System and how it has helped my child, especially in the last few levels. The progress was not only in reading fluency and word recognition, but a change in character as well. A confidence that was gone has returned. As my child heads off to college in the next few months, I can’t express how comfortable I will be that my child will be able to handle what lies ahead. One-on-one tutoring has made all the difference in the world.
Bobbi H.
St. Cloud, MN
The Barton Reading & Spelling System®
Based on teaching students learn to spell by sounding out words rather than memorizing a sequence of letters.
– Research based
– Orton-Gillingham influenced
– Simultaneously multisensory
– An explicit and systematic phonics program
Here is what is covered in each Barton Level:
Level 1: Phonemic Awareness
Level 2: Consonants & Short Vowels
Level 3: Closed & Unit Syllables
Level 4: Multi-Syllable words and Vowel Teams
Level 5: Prefixes & Suffixes
Level 6: Six Reasons for Silent-E
Level 7: Vowel-R’s
Level 8: Advanced Vowel Teams
Level 9: Influence of Foreign Languages
Level 10: Latin Roots & Greek Combining Forms